Wednesday 6 June 2018

Catch me if you can- Analysis

 In the beginning of the opening sequence, we as the viewers are able to grasp the genre and the overall mood/tone of this film. Throughout the arrangement the viewer is fully able to see the different professions that the main character takes on. In every shot the detective is seen, always a few steps behind him and at the end there is a shot of earth and the detective still following the main character this clearly illustrates the phrase, "i will follow you till the end of the earth". 
The opening shot is an shows the shot of an airport; the shot is used at the start of the scene to show the relationship between the character and location. In this case we are introduced to an airport. The storyline is Leonardo DiCaprio playing a con artist as the role of a pan Am pilot at the start, so the opening shot already introduces us to part of the storyline. 

   We then make the connection between Leonardo DiCaprio and the distance between him and the location showing that he is making his way to this airport setting in motion a series of events. The retro graphic of Leonardo DiCaprio then stops and looks around and takes a guarded step. An arrow is used to indicate each character to the audience amplified by the colour yellow, this again relates to the storyline as Leonardo DiCaprio impersonates a lot of different characters. The titles appear simultaneously with the beat of the music; every time there is a “finger snap” we are shown a new credit or image. So in the first shot alone we are shown an airport which connotates travelling, distance, an experience and overall journey. The writing relates to the 60s era along with the music however there are huge black lines descending from some of the letters streaming up and down. This is used as part of the scene, we see Leonardo DiCaprio hiding behind these black lines looking at pilots and hostess’s indicated through mis en scene and their customs which are suites and specific hats .We then see him walk past the black lines and change into one of the pilots which suggest the storyline and exaggerates his running character. We are then introduced to the second main character also indicated with an arrow, this is Leonardo DiCaprio opponent, Tom Hanks we see that he is a main character through mis en scene and his costume, he is also wearing a tie and by his body language you can tell he has authority and is also following Leonardo DiCaprio. There are also a lot of females introduced, with Leonardo DiCaprio in the different locations telling the audience that there may be some romance involved. We see again through mis en scene that Leonardo DiCaprio takes on many different characters for example a doctor shown through the long white apron jacket, this relates to some of the fancy locations we see Leonardo DiCaprio in which again relates to the storyline which involves a lot of luxury and riches. However we always see Tom Hanks in these locations emphasizing the title ‘Catch me of you can’ the last shots we see is Tom hanks chasing Leonardo DiCaprio dramatically on an illustration of the outer shape of the world again suggesting the storyline to the audience.

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