Wednesday 6 June 2018

Dawn of the dead- Analysis

Automatically when you start to watch this opening movie title it shows you that it is a science fiction horror given the introduction of a zombie figure in the first 10 seconds. 
The immediate sound effects include screams and chants (riot noises) so the viewer's state of awareness come heightened and tuned to a highly adrenalised state. The heavy thunder noises contrast the lighter wispy noise of the blood being sucked away from the writing that appears on the credits. The use of a heart beat following clips of the zombie's scream humanises the zombies so the viewer understands they were human once but something has infected them. The use of the news caster being asked questions (to which he has limited answers) creates a story telling scenario where the audience are introduced to the concept of the film: a contagion has infected a population and its terrifying consequences have caused panic in the american nation. The use of science related images such as cell cultures and protective gear worn by the men tackling the problem, makes the viewer, as an average person, confused because they might not understand the science on screen and these feelings of uncertainty produce a more anxious feeling in the viewer. The use of archive material from the news, that includes: rioting, shootings, fires and violent scene gives the piece a naturalistic, close to home premise making it not feel removed from the viewer (as science fictions encourages us to consider our worst nightmares coming true). The use of the Johnny Cash song "The Man Comes Around" seems quite obscure and opposing to the images being presented - the tone of the song is major, with a constant rhythmic beat that is strong and doesn't reflect the chaos and changing nature of the images on screen. As the clips continues, more and more chaotic images of destruction, infection, spreading and panic ensue. The scene that closes the clip, filmed quite high up in a building (on a live news report) shows the viewer no one can escape this infection, not even the rich and not even those that try to stay away from it. Cash' lyrics are left being sung over the final 10 seconds, without the use of any sensationalised images which gives a stark and eery feeling before the film has even begun. 

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