Wednesday 6 June 2018

Napoleon Dynamite-Analysis

Napoleon Dynamite is clearly of the comedy genre, which is shown by the different conventions used. As soon as the title sequence begins we know it is going to be a light-hearted film from the presentation of the titles.This  is suggested by the logo being written in different types of sauce on plate of food.

The objects used in the sequence to present the titles imply the comedy genre. The first title introducing one of the actors is a example, as it contains supernatural characters. The fact that the character keeps U.F.O abduction insure in his wallet suggest that the film is going to the spoof of a sci-fi film and conveys that the film is bases around a nerdy person. This is a typical convention of comedy films, as they tend to show the lift of a nerdy character and his film.

The main shot type used thought-out the sequence is a medium close up. This shit us used to draw the reader attention to both the objects and titles as the director feels they are equally important in the sequence. They are important as the objects, such as food and toy cars, provide the knowledge that the film is a comedy and portrays real life. I will also use a medium close up shot throughout my title sequences. Examples of the medium close-ups in 

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