Thursday 7 June 2018

KATHAROS instagram

For our brand we had to create 4 different outcomes. So for one of the outcomes we created an Instagram Account that represented our brand and what kind of look we wanted to create for it.

Photoshoot final edits

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Fragrance Project Photoshoot

Fragrance Project

For our final idea we deiced to do a Quartz Fragrance and these are so of the Quartz we deiced to design them off us

Favourite fashion trend

My favourite fashion trend at the Moment would have to be Camo Trousers. Since the beginning of uni I have been obsessed with Camo trousers because I feel like it is something you can not only wear on a night out but you can also wear during the day, it isa statement piece, a fashion statement, its something that doesn't only have to be worn as uniform but it is a piece of fashion clothing that can be worn by anyone.

favourite place to go on holiday WRITE


Some Big Trends of 2018 have been:

These trends have been very big over the past 6 months, I have seen these trends in many shops such as topshop, UrbanOutfitters and also Zara.

First Year of Uni

My first year of Uni has been going really well so far, I have met so many new people and learnt so many new things. University has taught me so many new things that I will always use in the future. I expected Uni to be a whole different experience, I thought it would be a lot harder and I wouldn’t enjoy it as much, but I have loved every moment of it and everything it has offered me. I have experienced so many new things and have really enjoyed my first year at Uni First year has taught me so many new things and it has helped me learn from my mistakes, which I hope to help me with my second year and how I will deal with everything such as money, work, friends and also how to live alone. First year has made me very excited to see what second year will bring on.

Moving to Nottingham from London

Moving from Nottingham from London has been very different for me. I have gone from living in a very big city to living somewhere where it takes me 5 minutes to walk from my apartment to the city centre. I have gone form living at home where I have someone cooking and cleaning for me to having to do it all on my own which I love but hate sometimes. The things I love about living in Nottingham and going to Uni is that I have my freedom, which I didn’t have much of when living in London at home. Another thing I love is how everyone lives so close to each other, in London everyone either lives in the same area or lives about 40 mins away, in Nottingham most people either live in the same building or on the street next to each other.