Sunday 13 May 2018

Living in Nottingham

I'm coming to the end of my first year living in Nottingham and theres a lot i have learnt about the city. The city is small but it offers a lot and could not be more perfect for students. Imagine a place where all your favourite chains and fast food restaurants are within 5 minutes walking distance. Thats Nottingham. Eating out is so easy and cheap and has become part of my daily life especially with the deals available. A chain i had never been to but has now become my favourite is Bella Italia. For anyone who loves Italian Bella Italia is the perfect option for cheap food at a high quality. if you go you have to try their seafood options. The gamberoni pasta is a spaghetti and prawn dish with a spicy tomato sauce and i couldn't recommend it enough. And don't forget students get 50% off, so instead of paying a pricy 13 pounds for one course your only paying 6.50. Another recommendation for those deal lovers is sushi mania, originally a london chain so many people may not know of it. Although the service is not great, the food is divine (for a student) and between 12-3 and after 10 at night the whole menu is HALF PRICE.

One thing i love about Nottingham is the night life! There is literally something for everyone. Theres so many clubs with all different music genres. You will honestly never have a dull night here. For someone like me who loves a dance and boogie but doesn't like the fuss of putting on a whole face of make up and dressing up every night Bierkeller is the place to go. An authentic bavarian bar just off market square, it offers a night of throwbacks and classics that you will literally never get bored of dancing to. however if you want a bigger night out where you can dress up, i couldn't recommend INK enough. located in the city centre, ink is a 4 story night club with rooms ranging from hip hop and r and b to drum and base, with strobes and bars across every room. It is always busy there and the atmosphere is insane. (there are also very good looking bouncers to talk to in the smoking area).
Last big recommendation is Ocean. I hadn't been until a few weeks ago and i wish i had started going sooner! every Wednesday all the societies choose a theme, dress up in crazy outfits and do a bar crawl before ending up in ocean. and remember LESS IS MORE.

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