Sunday 13 May 2018


i have always been a believer in horoscopes and this week my weekly horoscope could not have been more accurate. everyday i check and today it told me that i had had a disagreement with a loved one and that instead of leaving it i should talk it out and meet up with that person. although it was not accurate in that the disagreement was with a loved one it was with someone who cared deeply about me and had feelings that i was unaware of, and we ended up falling out.
girls know how it is when you've have a few drinks and end up having a flirt and laugh with the boys.
This is something i am very guilty of. although very innocent on my part it can sometimes be misconceived, which is exactly what happened with my friend Jason. We're relatively new friends and always dance and flirt on a night out. words were going round our circle that he liked me but i never thought anything of it. then the drama happened...

so were all on a night out, very drunk, having a dance and he offers to buy me a drink (no girl turns down a free drink). i take my shot and return to the dance floor where a VERY good looking boy is dancing. Rachel told me i should go for it. AS IN YOLO. So i did and it was such a good kiss. however when i came back i had heard that Jason left the club in tears after he saw me get with this boy. (AWFUL I KNOW).

This is when i realised my horoscope was going to come true!! and it had told me what i need to do! He told everyone how much i had upset him and so i knew the right thing to do was go talk to him and clear the air as my horiscope had said. I phoned him that morning and explained how i didn't know his feeling and I'm sorry i hurt him. Unfortunately he didn't want to continue being friends but the air was cleared and at least now we can be civil without an elephant in the room.
Today i learnt two things.

The first thing is don't play with people emotions. If you think a boy has feelings that aren't reciporacted, DONT let him buy you a drink and DONT let him be the one you have a flirt with after a few drinks, no matter how much you want a free drink of how much of a laugh it is.

The second lesson i learnt is the power of horoscopes. Even though they are not individually tailored to people, everyone finds a way to relate them to their life and take a positive message away, hence why they have become such a big trend. Id urge anyone to start reading their horoscopes daily or weekly just to give you a boost. x

First Fragrance Presentation

Online Shopping

Online shopping has become very big lately and now a lot more stores are online rather than instore. Stores such as ASOS, Misguided and pretty little things all are online stores that have been doing very well over the last couple of years. ASOS have always been a very well-known online store but now that the trend for online shopping has become bigger their sales and revenue has grown which means they can incorporate much bigger brands on their website, this means they can have a bigger consumer audience. Stores like Misguided and Pretty little things are a little more different because they are their own brand and don’t supply other brands on their website like ASOS. PLT have jus recently become a lot more popular since collaborating with people such as Kourtney Kardashian and Olivia Culpo. This helps their brands because people that like Kourtney Kardashian will buy whatever she is involved with and will also help advertise to a different audience that they might not be able to reach.

Other online stores that are also doing very well is NET A PORTER, Fashion Nova, White Fox Boutique and many more.

Reasons Online shopping are doing so well is because people are becoming a lot lazier to actually go to a store and try on the clothes, stand in line to buy it and then go back home, people would rather just look online see what they like buy it on the spot without having to do anything and be able to receive it the next day if they wish to pay a premium. Another thing about shopping online is that there are a lot more deals and discounts then you would be able to get instore.

Living in Nottingham

I'm coming to the end of my first year living in Nottingham and theres a lot i have learnt about the city. The city is small but it offers a lot and could not be more perfect for students. Imagine a place where all your favourite chains and fast food restaurants are within 5 minutes walking distance. Thats Nottingham. Eating out is so easy and cheap and has become part of my daily life especially with the deals available. A chain i had never been to but has now become my favourite is Bella Italia. For anyone who loves Italian Bella Italia is the perfect option for cheap food at a high quality. if you go you have to try their seafood options. The gamberoni pasta is a spaghetti and prawn dish with a spicy tomato sauce and i couldn't recommend it enough. And don't forget students get 50% off, so instead of paying a pricy 13 pounds for one course your only paying 6.50. Another recommendation for those deal lovers is sushi mania, originally a london chain so many people may not know of it. Although the service is not great, the food is divine (for a student) and between 12-3 and after 10 at night the whole menu is HALF PRICE.

One thing i love about Nottingham is the night life! There is literally something for everyone. Theres so many clubs with all different music genres. You will honestly never have a dull night here. For someone like me who loves a dance and boogie but doesn't like the fuss of putting on a whole face of make up and dressing up every night Bierkeller is the place to go. An authentic bavarian bar just off market square, it offers a night of throwbacks and classics that you will literally never get bored of dancing to. however if you want a bigger night out where you can dress up, i couldn't recommend INK enough. located in the city centre, ink is a 4 story night club with rooms ranging from hip hop and r and b to drum and base, with strobes and bars across every room. It is always busy there and the atmosphere is insane. (there are also very good looking bouncers to talk to in the smoking area).
Last big recommendation is Ocean. I hadn't been until a few weeks ago and i wish i had started going sooner! every Wednesday all the societies choose a theme, dress up in crazy outfits and do a bar crawl before ending up in ocean. and remember LESS IS MORE.

Make Up Trends

In the last 5 years, many trends have gone viral in the beauty community, a lot of them have stuck and a lot of them have passed, but one Make up trend that has become very popular and that has stuck is "Contouring" & "highlighting". A reason for this is because people like Kim Kardashian and other famous influencers. Kim had always contoured and highlighted her face but as more and more people started to follow her and a lot more people became interested in make-up people started to ask how she got her chizzled cheeks and highlighted cheek bones. Since then Contouring & highlighting has become very essential to people make up routine.

The reason it has also become very popular is because nowadays a lot of people don’t want to have to get face fillers or Botox to have a perfect jawline or perfect cheek bone so with contouring your creating that effect without the injections, this can also help accentuate the features you already have.  

Kim has now taken this trend and realised that people are still contouring and highlighted that she thought of creating her own line. This is a clever idea because Kim started the trends and obviously people are going to buy whatever product she uses so by creating her own line she can make a profit from it because obviously people are going to buy whatever she uses.

Fragrance Idea 1

Our first idea we got inspiration from Kim Kardashian new perfume collection that she created. we had already Decided that we wanted a simple modern perfume bottle and also something very simplistic. Kim's bottle is all kept in the simple colours such a nudes and light baby pinks and also beiges.

we wanted to aim the brand toward woman that are very business oriented someone that is in charge of her own life. We wanted the scent to be florally and musky so that it wouldn't be very sweet and sickly. We looked at brands such as YSL, Proeza Schouler and LOEWE.