Thursday 18 January 2018

Outcome: Event

Context: Outcome

Outcome: Event

Barbour has done some really cool events such as giving people the chance of being snapped at following events and getting the chance to be featured on there Insta- gram and website. Another event Barbour did was the Barbour X Brompton: e Brompton world Championship event. On July 29th 2017 Brompton world cham- pionship race took place as part of prudential ride London. e way Barbour took part in the event was by awarding the best male and female dressed and awarded them a limited addition Barbour X Brompton Bromely jacket.
By Barbour sponsoring events and doing joint events with other brands it is not just reaching out to their buyers but it is also reaching out to other buyers from
the other brands, which is creating more of a buzz for their brand and promoting them. e good thing also about having events is that they can promote their new products to the public and also invite people such as actors model and You Tube and Instagram In uencers that can help promote there product on there platform for free. For example the Make Up brand Tarte Fly out in uencers from you tube and Instagram to for example Bora Bora or the Maldives and does loads of activi- ties based around there new product that they have just realised and gets them to Instagram or make videos of what they are doing throughout the whole week. ey also give them loads of free products from their line so that they can do honest reviews on them for their fans to see. 

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