Wednesday 24 January 2018

My Alternative Ideas

One alternative way that I could interpret my idea is by sponsoring a big festival such as Glastonbury. I was thinking that Barbour could create a clothing line just for festivals, something that is cute but also something that could also be protected in the rain and mud. They could have there own booth in the festival where people could come get some fresh organic food which would be supplied from a organic food company, and they could also have and hair station where people could come and get there hair done for free and also a photo booth station where they could go and get a picture with there new hair and try on some of Barbour’s new collection.

Seconds alternative was too collaborate with a sports event such as a golf tournament. They could create limited edition clothes and shoes for them and then auction them off and give the proceeds to a charity of their choice. For the tennis tournament they could create a more summery colour pallet and very simple not a lot to them, such as patterns.

The thirds alternative was to also sponsor a horse race. They could also design a clothing line limited edition for the horse racers. I had the idea to add a digital aspect to it by having a website where when you see it on the riders you can buy it there and then and it get delivered to you the same day, but to make it more exciting is having a limited amount of each piece of clothing so that it makes it more special. For this event the clothes would be a lot darker, they would be more browns, blues, dark purples, dark green and black. There would be more types of patterns such as Tartan, plaid,

colour schemes

these are the colour schemes I decided to go with for my designs. For the horse riding out fits I stuck with the darker colours and for the golf outfits I went with brighter lighter colours.

types of patterns

Thursday 18 January 2018

Outcome: Event

Context: Outcome

Outcome: Event

Barbour has done some really cool events such as giving people the chance of being snapped at following events and getting the chance to be featured on there Insta- gram and website. Another event Barbour did was the Barbour X Brompton: e Brompton world Championship event. On July 29th 2017 Brompton world cham- pionship race took place as part of prudential ride London. e way Barbour took part in the event was by awarding the best male and female dressed and awarded them a limited addition Barbour X Brompton Bromely jacket.
By Barbour sponsoring events and doing joint events with other brands it is not just reaching out to their buyers but it is also reaching out to other buyers from
the other brands, which is creating more of a buzz for their brand and promoting them. e good thing also about having events is that they can promote their new products to the public and also invite people such as actors model and You Tube and Instagram In uencers that can help promote there product on there platform for free. For example the Make Up brand Tarte Fly out in uencers from you tube and Instagram to for example Bora Bora or the Maldives and does loads of activi- ties based around there new product that they have just realised and gets them to Instagram or make videos of what they are doing throughout the whole week. ey also give them loads of free products from their line so that they can do honest reviews on them for their fans to see. 

Brand: Barbour

Context: Brand

Brand: Barbour

Barbour is a luxury fashion brand based within the UK, which was founded by John Barbour in 1894. John Barbour created this brand for people farmers, sailors, shipyard workers etc;
he wanted to create a brand that was durable, water- protective and something that would be iconic. He aimed to become a leader in waterproof country wear, this goal was seen to have been meet one hundred years later when Dame Margaret took control of the company, despit the growing size of the business within the international markets the business has remained true to its “roots”; “It is important that as we develop and evolve the brand we remain true to our founding principles of quality, tness for purpose and durability.” (Dame Margaret)

John Barbour built great relationship with both woman and men that worked on the country- side of Briton, with the iconic designs of Barbour’s classic products, at the core of which are its corduroy-collared waxed jackets, “are now evolving to include contemporary twists on a well-established theme.”
Dame Margaret said: “Design has been and remains at Barbour, a team e ort. We have the bene t of being a smaller company that can work in a close team from the original concep- tion of the product through to nal production. We do not believe the brand has a need for a named designer like the pure fashion brands. We have always numbered designers from casualwear backgrounds within the team and nd it is this mix of skills which makes our products unique and exciting.”
John Barbour always said “New contemporary styles return you to relevance but only deliver- ing quality and innovation can ensure that you remain there.”www 

Pale & Interesting: Trend Story

Context: Trend Story 

Trend story: Pale & Interesting

Pale & Interesting has a certain visual aspect to it, there are two ways you can look at it, one of them is the home décor side of it, something that you want to come home too a er a long day of hard work and relax in a comfortable room that is not too busy wit colours and harsh designs, such as bright colours and a lot of deco- rations. Some of the colours they use when designing a room with the trend story pale and interesting are “Antique white” which is a o white which gives the room an elegant look to it but also a fashionable and unique look.
Another colour is “ Pirate Grey”. Pirate Grey is more of a charcoal, basic black col- our. is is a more of a fashionable modern colour. is gives more of a basic look to the room; it also goes great with white wood and light black. ere ate also other colours such as
“Star White”, “ Champaign beige” and “ Glacier Grey”. In the fashion industry nudes and pale pink are a very big trend.
Another trend story for Pale and Interesting could be talking about people that are not very fake, such as fake tanning, someone who has very pale skin. is phrase is used, as a compliment to a person is likes to embrace their natural beauty. is sometimes is used to implies that this person is more interesting and smart, be- cause tanning can be linked to people that are obsessed with there appearance.

David lachapelle

David Lachapelle is best known for his photography.The way he photographs  has been described as "hyper-real and slyly subversive".His work s very outgoing and colourful, and also very crazy. His photoshoot are ver out there and always has a lot going on in them. He has photohaphed a lot of people such as the kardashions, Cameron Diaz and Shakira.

Multiple Exposure