Tuesday 27 March 2018

fragrance workshop

today in class we had the "Experimental Perfume Company" come and give us a group workshop on creating perfumes and how they are made. It wasn't very interesting to learn how perfumes are made and what different types of scents are called. We learnt about all the different types of "Notes" you get in perfumes making. We also learnt about all the different accords you can get such as "Citrus" which is a orange and lemon kind of scent, or "Musky" which is a Galaxolide, Muscenone scent. You also have scents such as "Aromatic" scent scent which is a Lavender, Thyme, Rosmemary scent.

fragrance project/ London Trip (add photos)

When we went to London our group had already decided what kind of look we were going for so it was easy when I got there because you could tell what kind of store was the look you were going for and which were not.

When I went to Selfridges it was a lot easier because there were so many different types of perfume brands there to choose from and to get inspiration from.

Fragrance project

Today we were giving our groups for our Fragrance Project. We have already all kind of figured out what kind of brand we are wanting to go for and also the look. We all decided that we wanted to go for a very sophisticated brand that is very simple and modern.

We were all meant to go to London the next day, and since we all knew what kind of look we wanted for the brand we knew exactly what we should look out for in London.

absolute vodka moodborad

absolute vodka advert campaign

What I like about this campaign is that it is universal and also very different. When watching this you wouldn't think it had anything todo with the alcohol company but by giving facts about the company and having the man naked catches the viewers attention and makes them more interested

Absolut Vodka Video campaign

what I like about this ad is that it is very out there and also very controversial. I like that they are sending a message about equlity whilst advertising for there brand.